Back in the day, a principal tenet of
feminism was that women were more than their reproductive parts, that they must
be appreciated for their intelligence, their talents, their skills, their
personhood. Fast forward to more recent days, in which women in Austin drew
genitalia and reproductive organs on their shirts and bedecked posters with a
fringe of tampons, all in order to protest a
restriction on the abortion of larger babies. Warned of a plan to throw used
feminine items at legislators, police began to confiscate said items, used or
not. They also found jars of urine and feces in the ladies' possession, because
they're so necessary to public discourse. Now, persons of female
genderhood, I ask you, how is it that you wish people to see you? You, in the
vulva suit, do you offer a principled and logical case for your position? Or is
your rhetoric limited to "If you can't say it, don't regulate it"? In the name
of women's rights, you are presenting yourselves as brainless sluts, who want
nothing more than to screw around, kill the babies, and screw around some more.
Choice, choice, you cry, but there is no choice-- certainly
not for women who love their husbands and children and want to be home to care
for them. Actress Kirsten Dunst felt the wrath when she said in an
interview, “I feel like the feminine has been a little
undervalued. We all have to get our own jobs and make our own money, but
staying at home, nurturing, being the mother, cooking—it’s a valuable thing my
mom created. And sometimes, you need your knight in shining armor. I’m sorry.
You need a man to be a man and a woman to be a woman. That’s why relationships
Making up your own
mind is good, right? Not to Erin Gloria Ryan, fervent feminist writer on a site
called “Jezebel.” She wrote, “Kirsten
Dunst is not paid to write gender theory, so it shouldn’t surprise anyone that
she’s kind of dumb about it.” In feminist circles, they used to say that women
should never bad-mouth each other, but I guess that only applies to lousy
novels. The charming Miss Ryan seems to think one must be a paid feminist
theoretician in order to be allowed to have an opinion. Actual women living
actual lives? “Shut up,” she explained.
By the way, the title of her commentary
was “Kirsten Dunst Thinks Ladies in Relationships Should Wife the F**k Out.”
She’d fit right in with the militants of Austin, for whom noise
and vulgarity are the keys to success. This former (thank God) feminist has an
opinion, authorized or not: Abortion-obsessed haters of men and marriage, you
have thrown away the best of womanhood--and adulthood, come to think of
it--betrayed the early ideals of feminism, and become obnoxious harridans. You
should be ashamed.
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