Have you
noticed that people who start cults invariably turn out to be sexual deviants? Warren
Jeffs. Charles Manson. Jim Jones. Muhammad. Yep. As much a “prophet” as the
rest of them, Muhammad started out “marrying” little girls and inspiring
teachings that seem to me to take it for granted that men will rape women
whenever they get the chance. In addition to okaying the rape of women who are bought in the slave market
(because they’re slaves) or women they capture (because they’re captives), they
tell other women “Cover up, or you’re fair game.” Find a woman in a short
skirt? Start molesting. American newswoman reports on your mob? Assault away.
And then
there’s Bill Gothard and his authoritarian Institute in Basic Life Principles
and Advanced Training Institute. They sent their membership a piece called “Lessons
from Moral Failure in a Family,” which dealt with a brother molesting his
sisters. Guess what. The little girls didn’t always act as modestly as they
should. Molesting them was a “moral failure,” as opposed to a crime, apparently
because males are visual, and, you know, if they catch a glimpse, they just can’t
help themselves. Girls, cover up, or you’re fair game. Did I mention that Gothard
himself has been exposed as a sexual predator? He resigned last year after
numbers of girls came forward and told how he had abused and harassed them.
One factor
in all these cases is Biblical illiteracy, not knowing what the Bible is really about, even among people who know a lot of
verses. Something to watch out for: if anyone says the church has had it wrong all
these centuries, and he finally has the right way, be very suspicious. The
Apostle Paul knew this stuff was out there. In Galatians 1:8, he wrote, “But
even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel other than the
one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned.” Law won’t save you.
Authority won’t save you. Revolutionary suicide won’t save you. Submission won’t
save you. Only Jesus can do that. If someone says “Jesus plus ___” or “Instead
of Jesus,” run.
I agree wholeheartedly. Lord come quickly and save us from this evil world. In the meantime may we seek an inspired interpretation of the word of God that teaches as men and women to take responsibility for our sexuality and to possess our vessels in righteousness, not violating others or our consciences