A vision: Jesus has just told His disciples to stop
hindering the mothers who are bringing their children to Him for blessing. “Let
the little children come to Me,” He says, “for to such as these belongs the
kingdom of heaven.” Along comes the Reverend Anne Fowler in her clerical collar
and places at His feet the dismembered body of a tiny infant. “I had this one
killed so I could serve You,” she says. “Wrong god,” says the Lord.
A vision: on Judgment Day, it is the turn of the Reverend
Anne Fowler, M. Div., Episcopal priest. “Lord, Lord,” she says, “look at all I’ve
done for you. I got a theology degree, and the Episcopal church ordained me.
See the collar? Not many women get one, you know. Didn’t I serve as chaplain
for Planned Parenthood? Wasn’t I part of the Religious Coalition for
Reproductive Choice? Didn’t I counsel young women that abortion is a moral
Jesus asks, “Where is the baby?”
“The what? Oh, the pregnancy, the product of conception.
Well, you know I just had to abort it. I’d broken up with my husband, and I was
sleeping with a guy during my seminary studies, and he just wouldn’t be a
suitable father at all, and I already had one kid, and I really, really wanted
to be a priest. In the church. You know. For You.”
Jesus holds out His hand. In it are the torn and bloody
bits of a small baby. “His blood has been crying out to me since that day,” He
says. “You might have loved him. You might have cared for him. Did you not know
that whatever you do for one of the little ones, you do for Me? Or to Me?” Then
He covers the little body with His other hand and lowers it gently to the
ground. In its place appears a beautiful and glorious young man who looks at
her with pity and says, “Mother.”
Then two things happen at once. The Lord says, “Away from
Me. I never knew you,” and the Reverend Anne Fowler begins a long, long fall.
An amicus brief presented to the Supreme Court, which is
reviewing whether abortion clinics in Texas can be required by law to be
sanitary and to employ doctors who would be allowed to admit patients to a
hospital if they should, say, rip a hole in the uterus while suctioning a baby
out, said that Anne Fowler “accidentally” became pregnant during her second
year at Episcopal Divinity School. No, not running with turkey baster, but
sleeping with a guy she figured would not be a “suitable parent.” I wonder who
was babysitting the child from her broken marriage while she was having her fornication
break. Was it between Theology I and New Testament Interp.?
“Already solely responsible for her daughter, Anne knew she
could not complete Divinity School and pursue a career as a priest if she did
not have an abortion.” There may be a certain three on the Court who, when they
meet again, will find this compelling. “Well, sure, who wouldn’t kill any
number of kids for a career as a priest?” To others of us, it is the most
stunning perversion of humanity, religion, responsibility and, God help us, “divinity”
that any sinful human mind could possibly concoct. Yet she presents it to the
Supreme Court of the United States as a good argument not to place any
restrictions, not even those of sanitation, on abortion mills. It strikes me
that, like Gloria Steinem, she has built a career as a life-long excuse for
that bloody, selfish decision.
It’s hard to pick a “worst of all” from this reeking pile, but
this may come close. One of the achievements she touts as made possible by her
baby’s death is that “she meets many pregnant women who are very young or
struggling economically or emotionally” and reassures them that it’s necessary
and right to abort their children. “Things that cause people to sin are bound
to come,” said Jesus, “but woe to that person through whom they come. It would
be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around his
neck than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin.”
I’m pretty sure you cannot bring others along to make
sacrifice to Moloch and expect the approval of the Prince of Peace.